What is a galvanometer and what is its use?

Do you know what this radiometer or galvanometer is? If not then this article of today can be very useful for you. Have you ever thought how a utility company finds out how much electrical power we have at our house. The answer is with the help of an electric meter. This galvanometer is also a type of electronice instrument which is used to find out the presence, direction and strength of electric current in a conductor.

When an electric current passes through a conductor, the magnetic needle automatically turns in right angles to the conductor so that its direction is parallel with the lines of induction around the conductor and its north pole point In the direction in which the lines of induction flow. A galvanometer is a type of ammeter. It is an instrument used to detect and measure electric current. So today I thought that why should you be given complete information about the galvanometer and what is measured with the galvanometer so that in the coming time you do not need to ask anyone else about this topic. So let's start without delay and know what this galvanometer is.

This moving coil galvanometer is a type of electromagnetic device that can measure the current of small values. It consists of components like permanent horseshoe magnets, coil, soft iron core, pivoted spring, non-metallic frame, scale, and pointer.

Principle of galvanometer
Torque acts over a current carrying coil if it is suspended in a uniform magnetic field. For this reason only, it starts to rotate the coil. Therefore we can say that the deflection of a coil is in a moving coil galvanometer directly proportional to the current flow in that coil.

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If we understand the other way, then it is the principle of a potentiometer that when a current sustaining coil is placed between a magnetic field then it experiences a torque.


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