How to learn Programming?

How did you learn Programming? We are living in a time where all things are meager in the Internet. Often, this question definitely comes in the minds of people that how people make such great websites and blogs. The desire to create similar websites or blogs also arises in their mind. But they do not know that it can be done through programming. Now again the question arises that let's assume that this can be done with programming, but how to do this programming? Can anyone do human programming or is it suitable only for technology experts? Then the answer is that anyone can learn Programming who is interested in it and yes if you are from technology background then it will be easy for you to learn it, but I did not say at all that non-tech people cannot learn it.

If you are really interested in making computer programs, mobile apps, websites, games or any other software, then you have to know about programming first and then learn how to do programming. Understand one thing that programs are created through programming language. This language allows those programs to run in any machine, whether it is your computer, or mobile phone, or any other hardware.

What is Programing and its types
What is compiler
So today I thought why not give you complete information about how to do computer programming so that in the coming time you will not have to ask anyone how to do this programming, because no matter what programming language you use. Everyone has the same way of learning. So let's start without delay and get more information about how to learn Programming Language. Determine your Area Of Interest
If you want, you can learn any programming language but according to me you should decide what you want to do after learning that programming language. With this you will be able to determine what you have to do in the future. If you want, you can learn system programming or web development as you wish.

Always start with a "simpler" language
If you want, choose any language, but first a high-level or simple languange will be right for you, because these languages ​​are right for beginners, as they teach very basic concepts and build your thought process well. Can.

1. Two popular languages ​​in this category are Python and Ruby. Both of these object-oriented web application languages, whose syntax is readable.

2. "Object-oriented" means a language which is related to the concepts of "objects", or collections of data, and their manipulation. This is the same concept that is used in many advanced programming languages ​​such as C ++, Java, Objective-C, and PHP.

Read some basic tutorials about different languages ​​first.
If you are not even able to decide which language you should learn, then you should read the basic tutorials in different languages. There are many such short tutorials on the Internet.

Python - This is a great starter language that is used in web applications and games.
Java - It is used in many types of programs, be it games or web applications, even ATM software.
HTML - This is an essential starting place for any web developer.
C - One of the oldest languages, C is a very powerful tool, and apart from that it is the basis of many modern languages ​​such as C ++, C #, and Objective-C.
Start small
Always try to understand the core concepts of languages ​​first
Even if it is not in any languages, everyone has some core concepts, which is very important to understand. Because only by the fundamental concepts of programming languages, you will have a strong hold on that language.

Install all Softwares needed
Many programming languages ​​require compilers, which are programs that have been designed to translate the code into a language that the machine can understand. In other languages, such as Python, interpreter is required to execute programs without compile.

Some languages ​​require IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) which contains everything such as a code editor, a compiler, interpreter, and debugger. It allows the programmer to do all the necessary functions in one place.

Try to create your first program
Focus one concept at a time
The first programs in any language is the “Hello World” program. This is a very simple program that displays text above the “Hello World” screen. This program teaches many new programmers how to create basic program syntax, as well as how to handle the output.

Learn to create new programs by deconstructing Online Examples
There are millions of examples on the Internet online in Mejud. In online you will find examples of all languages. Before you can learn a lot as well in the these examplesYou can check if they are running or not. By doing this together, you can also create new and best programs.

Examine syntax
Any languages ​​are very important. These are all different and can only be understood by compiler or interpreter compatible with that programming languages. Each language uses a unique syntax. In order to get hold of programming, it is very important to hold on Syntax.

Experiment with change
You can test its results by making changes in your example programms. Because with such experiments, this programming is better understood and not by reading the theory. Know that many things can be understood by Errors. There is hardly anyone who can become a master of programming language in one go. Only by experimenting repeatedly can you achieve mastery in it.

Start debugging
When you do programming, then it is justified that there will be bugs in it. There is nothing to worry about it, errors in programs are very common but more important than that is how you find and fix those bugs. Fixing these errors or bugs is called bugging.

As you start experimenting with programs, then you will get to know about the basics bugs and you will also be able to solve the bugs. All sports is to practice.

Make a habit of commenting in the code
Most programming languages ​​also have a "comment" function that allows you to include text that is not processed by the interpreter or compiler.

By writing a comment, it can give you a short, but clear, language in your language that you can express what this part code does. This will not only help you understand the code, but also after the code becomes big, you can also share the code with someone else, which also makes them easy to understand. This allows the logic of programs to be understood correctly.

You should practice regularly
Daily code
Getting Mastery over any programming language is not that easy. This can take a lot of time for you. Even if it is not a simple language like Python, why, it may take you some time. Programming is like a skill, the more you practice it, the more you will become proficient in it. So try to spend 1 to 2 hours a day.
